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This proprietary assessment is unique to CareerFli and may help you better understand how you align to your current career or potentially an exciting new one. You will take an 80 question assessment which will measure you across 16 different sub factors including: your work personality, your work values, motivation and conscientiousness. Based on your results, you will be mapped to your best fit careers from among the 900+ verified occupations from the Occupational Network. CareerFli will provide you a full results report within 24 hours.
After completing the assessment, you can login to your account and see your results (please allow 24 hours to get your results as demand dictates). If you don't have an account, register for one here.
After viewing your results, you may want some help understanding your results. CareerFli will provide 1:1 support interpreting your results on a 30 minute call. CareerFli's client-centered approach allows flexibility to uncover additional permutations of passions and interests that yield new insights from your initial assessment outcomes. This short interpretative session can often open the doors to what your next step may look like in making minor or significant shifts to your career path.
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